Стоковна размена според економските групации на земјите, кумулативни податоци


25 октомври, 2020 14.72 KB csv d73f712e2abc2edbdd887a8ca930529b спореди
17 август, 2020 15.24 KB csv 96700d4fb0c64b059442fe77dd7dac8e спореди
28 април, 2020 14.61 KB csv e82e3214e7fe953a10343522a4e01525 спореди
17 октомври, 2019 13.86 KB csv c4692a5c9121c8a8287757c3b0f44962 спореди
17 септември, 2019 13.78 KB csv 6a76fbcda756ea31da84fd45fde3e85f спореди
01 септември, 2019 13.85 KB csv 8cc70e6a18ea073dbb854b79501f7892 спореди
03 мај, 2019 13.73 KB csv 1b15523d2fee20085af3417b31c586a0 спореди
02 септември, 2018 12.88 KB csv 2924befc5c7403f783850caeaa54d8dd спореди
08 јули, 2018 12.87 KB csv f143fd788f7945cf3f63243b3e4185cc спореди
10 мај, 2018 12.84 KB csv 8ad0948937a1c473e4a1cdbefddd6251

Каталог на отворени податоци

Завод за статистика > Надворешна трговија > Кумулативни податоци

оригинална адреса: http://makstat.stat.gov.mk/PXWeb/api/v1/mk/MakStat...


Flow, groups of the countries, Variables, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020M01-M08

export, "African, Caribbean and Pacific countries", Quantity in thousand KG, 391.381, 382.075, 831.617, 4385.751, 2627.000, 605.022, 14238.441, 4674.000, 409.000

export, "African, Caribbean and Pacific countries", Value in thousand EUR, 1299.233, 1460.730, 2740.387, 12577.951, 6434.000, 3290.762, 35329.806, 10193.000, 2100.000

export, "African, Caribbean and Pacific countries", Value in thousand USD $, 1661.493, 1949.813, 3494.773, 13821.113, 7142.000, 3641.395, 41164.252, 11446.000, 2353.000

export, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Quantity in thousand KG, 42863.896, 36470.479, 35241.771, 57375.817, 34196.000, 83385.944, 96458.378, 152954.000, 77172.000

export, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Value in thousand EUR, 129317.602, 85942.129, 76162.900, 137818.964, 49503.000, 61748.576, 62609.182, 155349.000, 88234.000

export, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Value in thousand USD $, 165512.547, 114464.652, 99677.654, 152711.519, 54450.000, 69100.655, 72929.581, 173185.000, 99812.000

export, Association of South-East Asian Nations, Quantity in thousand KG, 574.603, 897.851, 1607.206, 1607.342, 3183.000, 6196.917, 2559.638, 2591.000, 9961.000

export, Association of South-East Asian Nations, Value in thousand EUR, 917.984, 575.925, 4265.152, 3001.063, 4282.000, 9147.300, 4771.034, 4732.000, 28177.000

export, Association of South-East Asian Nations, Value in thousand USD $, 1176.651, 764.391, 5600.723, 3438.199, 4709.000, 10650.014, 5684.637, 5301.000, 30961.000

export, Commonwealth of Independent States, Quantity in thousand KG, 50104.989, 45939.570, 61744.579, 49125.272, 66205.000, 52744.640, 43567.307, 52680.000, 38557.000

export, Commonwealth of Independent States, Value in thousand EUR, 46197.309, 47811.805, 46277.229, 43688.774, 57318.000, 62716.175, 44730.654, 64283.000, 43766.000

export, Commonwealth of Independent States, Value in thousand USD $, 58936.362, 63409.821, 61286.286, 48351.184, 63315.000, 70747.124, 52657.585, 71790.000, 48956.000

export, European Free Trade Association, Quantity in thousand KG, 7896.952, 8725.593, 8310.219, 8104.416, 8832.000, 9778.923, 9766.807, 10129.000, 6601.000

export, European Free Trade Association, Value in thousand EUR, 26231.960, 32345.599, 40327.171, 39938.326, 30874.000, 34172.686, 42809.511, 38568.000, 26609.000

export, European Free Trade Association, Value in thousand USD $, 33716.679, 43044.289, 53552.302, 44392.786, 34179.000, 38737.695, 50462.829, 43153.000, 29651.000

export, European Union, Quantity in thousand KG, 1135854.555, 1197424.531, 1251212.623, 1191232.006, 1322495.000, 1377703.608, 1566091.606, 1650414.000, 863043.000

export, European Union, Value in thousand EUR, 2038703.860, 2350291.893, 2866833.001, 3148973.975, 3514121.000, 4072115.243, 4819179.495, 5186734.000, 2656910.000

export, European Union, Value in thousand USD $, 2621115.907, 3122856.000, 3801460.159, 3490505.019, 3885983.000, 4610613.184, 5683186.143, 5804928.000, 2979925.000

export, Miscellaneous - countries not specified extra, Quantity in thousand KG, 1073.026, 6439.323, 1548.662, 1337.666, 1331.000, 1563.434, 1124.353, 1961.000, 10868.000

export, Miscellaneous - countries not specified extra, Value in thousand EUR, 585.918, 3919.839, 1520.624, 1526.143, 2423.000, 1884.974, 2007.674, 12570.000, 101022.000

export, Miscellaneous - countries not specified extra, Value in thousand USD $, 732.762, 5172.015, 2031.780, 1688.963, 2689.000, 2133.264, 2355.531, 13921.000, 112714.000

export, Newly-industrialised Asian countries, Quantity in thousand KG, 16821.782, 7853.000, 17200.726, 14900.207, 15476.000, 21507.321, 5700.182, 7532.000, 5805.000

export, Newly-industrialised Asian countries, Value in thousand EUR, 56794.618, 13038.848, 47959.102, 40951.678, 29968.000, 17690.902, 7719.536, 8472.000, 15918.000

export, Newly-industrialised Asian countries, Value in thousand USD $, 73098.091, 17276.387, 62821.167, 45136.487, 33085.000, 19802.420, 9036.574, 9475.000, 18281.000

export, North American Free Trade Agreement, Quantity in thousand KG, 30398.533, 9808.381, 42494.157, 13126.427, 21252.000, 24307.562, 27232.088, 38118.000, 57182.000

export, North American Free Trade Agreement, Value in thousand EUR, 47289.140, 38749.518, 46217.376, 42621.052, 53224.000, 56137.717, 72267.830, 62761.000, 27930.000

export, North American Free Trade Agreement, Value in thousand USD $, 61306.973, 51983.811, 60376.785, 47326.522, 58653.000, 64141.339, 84947.045, 70193.000, 31172.000

export, "Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, excluding EU", Quantity in thousand KG, -, -, 0.006, -, -, -, -, -, -

export, "Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, excluding EU", Value in thousand EUR, -, -, 0.567, -, -, -, -, -, -

export, "Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, excluding EU", Value in thousand USD $, -, -, 0.738, -, -, -, -, -, -

export, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Quantity in thousand KG, 154313.557, 27793.738, 52909.266, 12702.630, 7204.000, 5792.910, 15675.127, 24607.000, 6177.000

export, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Value in thousand EUR, 11087.202, 8066.017, 10686.212, 8456.367, 6783.000, 10447.258, 15090.816, 30025.000, 19144.000

export, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Value in thousand USD $, 14221.241, 10770.036, 14227.751, 9413.845, 7464.000, 11751.111, 17748.723, 33453.000, 21366.000

export, South American Common Market, Quantity in thousand KG, 995.439, 487.913, 1260.445, 399.095, 782.000, 290.921, 572.678, 974.000, 466.000

export, South American Common Market, Value in thousand EUR, 4675.094, 3430.183, 6613.624, 3541.003, 4248.000, 2587.744, 4758.026, 8363.000, 3486.000

export, South American Common Market, Value in thousand USD $, 5926.510, 4569.564, 8789.144, 3915.512, 4691.000, 2984.179, 5586.621, 9398.000, 3943.000

export, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Quantity in thousand KG, 6155.813, 8705.500, 6622.968, 5054.872, 8772.000, 7192.667, 10361.691, 7118.000, 109.000

export, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Value in thousand EUR, 19320.905, 22616.008, 17892.465, 13576.522, 18225.000, 12772.059, 23851.823, 17476.000, 766.000

export, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Value in thousand USD $, 24581.035, 30112.436, 23723.416, 14954.299, 20116.000, 14217.082, 27668.931, 19675.000, 864.000

export, Total, Quantity in thousand KG, 2966292.922, 2588022.620, 2611792.907, 2640162.950, 2820939.000, 3103075.441, 3461312.176, 3725833.000, 2059426.000

export, Total, Value in thousand EUR, 3123951.725, 3235206.095, 3746608.015, 4087584.431, 4390284.000, 5018676.036, 5872483.578, 6421566.000, 3469893.000

export, Total, Value in thousand USD $, 4015402.908, 4298771.673, 4964132.180, 4530076.667, 4854746.000, 5683890.426, 6921536.070, 7185157.000, 3890018.000

export, Union for the Mediterranean, Quantity in thousand KG, 67865.215, 72261.110, 72984.441, 89261.663, 86183.000, 119474.814, 113793.412, 98141.000, 76579.000

export, Union for the Mediterranean, Value in thousand EUR, 55263.251, 58182.425, 57253.233, 72446.172, 70977.000, 87303.197, 90908.459, 87994.000, 58266.000

export, Union for the Mediterranean, Value in thousand USD $, 71136.150, 77198.371, 75924.441, 80284.329, 78530.000, 99116.958, 107236.550, 98508.000, 65297.000

export, Western Balkan Countries, Quantity in thousand KG, 1450983.181, 1164833.557, 1057824.221, 1191549.784, 1242403.000, 1392530.757, 1554170.468, 1673940.000, 906495.000

export, Western Balkan Countries, Value in thousand EUR, 686267.650, 568775.175, 521858.973, 518466.390, 541904.000, 586661.443, 646449.733, 734047.000, 397565.000

export, Western Balkan Countries, Value in thousand USD $, 882280.508, 755200.086, 691165.060, 574136.834, 599739.000, 666254.006, 760871.069, 820730.000, 444724.000

import, "African, Caribbean and Pacific countries", Quantity in thousand KG, 24410.038, 3299.248, 4660.453, 3015.357, 2226.000, 22234.594, 300065.110, 896800.000, 666543.000

import, "African, Caribbean and Pacific countries", Value in thousand EUR, 8246.865, 6211.395, 37298.779, 173010.568, 161404.000, 229251.033, 285283.737, 287076.000, 118601.000

import, "African, Caribbean and Pacific countries", Value in thousand USD $, 10660.024, 8291.064, 47535.726, 191370.950, 178036.000, 258143.568, 333385.263, 321730.000, 131503.000

import, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Quantity in thousand KG, 84084.629, 100030.241, 100217.540, 109836.306, 125317.000, 116757.856, 123324.468, 122796.000, 80938.000

import, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Value in thousand EUR, 333031.406, 331252.131, 379005.810, 410195.777, 466887.000, 490360.009, 560383.285, 626398.000, 397155.000

import, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Value in thousand USD $, 428694.490, 440043.538, 502049.529, 454199.365, 515685.000, 554750.757, 660662.866, 700902.000, 444892.000

import, Association of South-East Asian Nations, Quantity in thousand KG, 1393117.609, 648455.948, 281924.444, 61864.911, 78299.000, 27266.885, 436972.436, 195189.000, 108763.000

import, Association of South-East Asian Nations, Value in thousand EUR, 165182.342, 103469.748, 84084.082, 79944.351, 119095.000, 113733.214, 158610.269, 146766.000, 89836.000

import, Association of South-East Asian Nations, Value in thousand USD $, 212726.517, 137627.435, 112258.765, 88703.681, 131748.000, 128482.305, 186701.290, 164358.000, 100591.000

import, Commonwealth of Independent States, Quantity in thousand KG, 618286.956, 430859.674, 383442.674, 404516.755, 601829.000, 570028.384, 554116.159, 603995.000, 363294.000

import, Commonwealth of Independent States, Value in thousand EUR, 357672.085, 204609.024, 201719.030, 194037.361, 179239.000, 208932.193, 246017.881, 260630.000, 148884.000

import, Commonwealth of Independent States, Value in thousand USD $, 464362.360, 271755.430, 266412.669, 214631.669, 198102.000, 234924.507, 291296.867, 292088.000, 166005.000

import, European Free Trade Association, Quantity in thousand KG, 11145.310, 10719.041, 10709.275, 10734.075, 10369.000, 12968.449, 11526.693, 12553.000, 8433.000

import, European Free Trade Association, Value in thousand EUR, 117955.009, 100619.315, 60049.626, 52657.821, 61704.000, 62199.347, 69393.846, 63007.000, 49150.000

import, European Free Trade Association, Value in thousand USD $, 151900.741, 133452.742, 80146.870, 58409.887, 68374.000, 70182.744, 82499.222, 70572.000, 54702.000

import, European Union, Quantity in thousand KG, 2188136.150, 2026385.638, 2223447.073, 2539821.474, 2604739.000, 2619701.746, 2745759.782, 2910123.000, 1669570.000

import, European Union, Value in thousand EUR, 3057054.482, 3125326.019, 3490315.496, 3596730.428, 3825055.000, 4299402.512, 4787348.806, 5264222.000, 2208523.000

import, European Union, Value in thousand USD $, 3927982.768, 4151423.203, 4633071.205, 3985939.817, 4234473.000, 4865403.520, 5652802.737, 5890994.000, 2469657.000

import, Miscellaneous - countries not specified extra, Quantity in thousand KG, 33957.015, 551272.494, 962480.623, 1172235.424, 336741.000, 387579.599, 26197.106, 48486.000, 11344.000

import, Miscellaneous - countries not specified extra, Value in thousand EUR, 9615.457, 45349.166, 79248.292, 83790.752, 25295.000, 32968.983, 12014.365, 12786.000, 629349.000

import, Miscellaneous - countries not specified extra, Value in thousand USD $, 12280.495, 60238.312, 104099.090, 92443.566, 27870.000, 36719.300, 14154.808, 14300.000, 714082.000

import, Newly-industrialised Asian countries, Quantity in thousand KG, 12293.265, 16538.619, 15874.340, 14208.769, 11210.000, 15298.683, 12725.851, 15675.000, 9774.000

import, Newly-industrialised Asian countries, Value in thousand EUR, 41351.451, 45727.818, 49926.050, 48925.941, 45101.000, 49943.880, 53582.101, 53389.000, 31377.000

import, Newly-industrialised Asian countries, Value in thousand USD $, 53185.990, 60731.468, 66201.934, 54293.821, 49892.000, 56462.632, 63312.297, 59824.000, 35015.000

import, North American Free Trade Agreement, Quantity in thousand KG, 98550.698, 90517.116, 132792.413, 64148.559, 87605.000, 88683.933, 150444.149, 174970.000, 109548.000

import, North American Free Trade Agreement, Value in thousand EUR, 85466.952, 120274.499, 122232.440, 105445.514, 157118.000, 179067.682, 240612.385, 309288.000, 157249.000

import, North American Free Trade Agreement, Value in thousand USD $, 109862.756, 159483.037, 162531.158, 117011.146, 173934.000, 202624.918, 283129.927, 345386.000, 174957.000

import, "Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, excluding EU", Quantity in thousand KG, 39.542, 12.394, 1.886, 4.068, 7.000, 7.945, 45.280, 118.000, 6.000

import, "Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, excluding EU", Value in thousand EUR, 249.274, 31.800, 24.222, 24.233, 78.000, 53.318, 64.171, 95.000, 9.000

import, "Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, excluding EU", Value in thousand USD $, 320.589, 42.128, 31.528, 27.038, 86.000, 60.781, 77.517, 106.000, 10.000

import, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Quantity in thousand KG, 65352.842, 78385.403, 41816.833, 33883.063, 39301.000, 27798.799, 40983.908, 75900.000, 58171.000

import, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Value in thousand EUR, 25301.076, 28862.840, 27365.956, 23777.985, 31771.000, 23171.218, 34299.628, 48874.000, 33218.000

import, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Value in thousand USD $, 32624.232, 38291.634, 35788.704, 26374.889, 35216.000, 26147.970, 40605.600, 54700.000, 37055.000

import, South American Common Market, Quantity in thousand KG, 68919.844, 65714.397, 50264.040, 54252.926, 57838.000, 59727.819, 46585.460, 43865.000, 33840.000

import, South American Common Market, Value in thousand EUR, 59247.393, 56780.285, 49748.042, 54346.319, 65609.000, 62456.838, 63381.780, 63830.000, 37538.000

import, South American Common Market, Value in thousand USD $, 76286.830, 75554.199, 65999.090, 60219.737, 72550.000, 70713.387, 74779.951, 71454.000, 42046.000

import, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Quantity in thousand KG, 21539.229, 33976.981, 15814.300, 18215.112, 18855.000, 16948.837, 29890.873, 25857.000, 17227.000

import, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Value in thousand EUR, 48783.410, 62750.501, 47403.557, 55306.061, 53940.000, 51082.772, 72965.183, 68323.000, 37507.000

import, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Value in thousand USD $, 62448.851, 83347.117, 62985.789, 61308.356, 59645.000, 57636.784, 85972.890, 76584.000, 41828.000

import, Total, Quantity in thousand KG, 6113414.837, 5510544.134, 5967302.930, 6217618.472, 6165134.000, 6003286.867, 6361347.194, 7122123.000, 4398833.000

import, Total, Value in thousand EUR, 5070607.312, 4983279.097, 5504524.139, 5801144.437, 6176518.000, 6834891.397, 7676328.783, 8436324.000, 4666167.000

import, Total, Value in thousand USD $, 6522387.659, 6619586.359, 7301370.314, 6426812.386, 6834024.000, 7730850.244, 9057263.865, 9440528.000, 5225717.000

import, Union for the Mediterranean, Quantity in thousand KG, 453580.942, 272209.358, 366666.552, 360724.585, 263639.000, 225282.422, 234128.103, 309665.000, 199735.000

import, Union for the Mediterranean, Value in thousand EUR, 278851.664, 256854.663, 310250.975, 351904.261, 377575.000, 378372.947, 413459.178, 456073.000, 266658.000

import, Union for the Mediterranean, Value in thousand USD $, 359028.201, 341204.082, 411227.126, 389591.000, 417661.000, 427889.513, 487526.653, 510175.000, 298043.000

import, Western Balkan Countries, Quantity in thousand KG, 1040000.767, 1182167.582, 1377190.484, 1370157.088, 1927158.000, 1813000.917, 1648581.815, 1686130.000, 1061648.000

import, Western Balkan Countries, Value in thousand EUR, 482598.445, 495159.893, 565851.782, 571047.062, 606645.000, 653895.449, 678912.169, 775569.000, 461113.000

import, Western Balkan Countries, Value in thousand USD $, 620022.815, 658100.971, 751031.132, 632287.464, 670750.000, 740707.559, 800355.976, 867355.000, 515331.000