Економски сметки во земјоделството по постојани цени, производна сметка, по години


17 август, 2020 29.62 KB csv fabddf222d8176dae3b305f5a01848f3 спореди
01 септември, 2019 54.80 KB csv da6187de9bbe0d8164b4c2f4d8802620 спореди
08 јули, 2018 50.25 KB csv c48f5101b45e342c8953c6855635d583 спореди
19 ноември, 2017 16.29 KB csv 8162f3559e5f8be2ecee1cfd81deedda

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Завод за статистика > Економски сметки во земјоделството

оригинална адреса: http://makstat.stat.gov.mk/PXWeb/api/v1/mk/MakStat...


Agricultural production and costs of agricultural production, Year, value

01 Cereals, 2006, 5807

01 Cereals, 2007, 4621

01 Cereals, 2008, 6863

01 Cereals, 2009, 7895

01 Cereals, 2010, 5200

01 Cereals, 2011, 5876

01 Cereals, 2012, 6500

01 Cereals, 2013, 7659

01 Cereals, 2014, 8846

01 Cereals, 2015, 6539

01 Cereals, 2016, 6614

01 Cereals, 2017, 4752

01 Cereals, 2018, 5963

01.1 Wheat, 2006, 2625

01.1 Wheat, 2007, 2264

01.1 Wheat, 2008, 3277

01.1 Wheat, 2009, 3046

01.1 Wheat, 2010, 1925

01.1 Wheat, 2011, 2304

01.1 Wheat, 2012, 2814

01.1 Wheat, 2013, 3475

01.1 Wheat, 2014, 3674

01.1 Wheat, 2015, 2255

01.1 Wheat, 2016, 2825

01.1 Wheat, 2017, 1901

01.1 Wheat, 2018, 2149

01.2 Rye, 2006, 56

01.2 Rye, 2007, 73

01.2 Rye, 2008, 106

01.2 Rye, 2009, 96

01.2 Rye, 2010, 61

01.2 Rye, 2011, 68

01.2 Rye, 2012, 72

01.2 Rye, 2013, 89

01.2 Rye, 2014, 124

01.2 Rye, 2015, 83

01.2 Rye, 2016, 101

01.2 Rye, 2017, 78

01.2 Rye, 2018, 89

01.3 Barley, 2006, 999

01.3 Barley, 2007, 715

01.3 Barley, 2008, 1583

01.3 Barley, 2009, 1726

01.3 Barley, 2010, 805

01.3 Barley, 2011, 1027

01.3 Barley, 2012, 956

01.3 Barley, 2013, 1351

01.3 Barley, 2014, 1453

01.3 Barley, 2015, 838

01.3 Barley, 2016, 1050

01.3 Barley, 2017, 869

01.3 Barley, 2018, 1141

01.4 Oats, 2006, 29

01.4 Oats, 2007, 31

01.4 Oats, 2008, 61

01.4 Oats, 2009, 56

01.4 Oats, 2010, 38

01.4 Oats, 2011, 37

01.4 Oats, 2012, 47

01.4 Oats, 2013, 68

01.4 Oats, 2014, 77

01.4 Oats, 2015, 63

01.4 Oats, 2016, 69

01.4 Oats, 2017, 69

01.4 Oats, 2018, 84

01.5 Grain maize, 2006, 1764

01.5 Grain maize, 2007, 1153

01.5 Grain maize, 2008, 1394

01.5 Grain maize, 2009, 2105

01.5 Grain maize, 2010, 1517

01.5 Grain maize, 2011, 1281

01.5 Grain maize, 2012, 1600

01.5 Grain maize, 2013, 1625

01.5 Grain maize, 2014, 2078

01.5 Grain maize, 2015, 1596

01.5 Grain maize, 2016, 1456

01.5 Grain maize, 2017, 1202

01.5 Grain maize, 2018, 1793

01.6 Rice, 2006, 335

01.6 Rice, 2007, 387

01.6 Rice, 2008, 443

01.6 Rice, 2009, 866

01.6 Rice, 2010, 855

01.6 Rice, 2011, 1160

01.6 Rice, 2012, 1011

01.6 Rice, 2013, 1052

01.6 Rice, 2014, 1440

01.6 Rice, 2015, 1705

01.6 Rice, 2016, 1113

01.6 Rice, 2017, 633

01.6 Rice, 2018, 706

02 Industrial crops, 2006, 4398

02 Industrial crops, 2007, 4138

02 Industrial crops, 2008, 3170

02 Industrial crops, 2009, 4661

02 Industrial crops, 2010, 5598

02 Industrial crops, 2011, 5076

02 Industrial crops, 2012, 4850

02 Industrial crops, 2013, 5199

02 Industrial crops, 2014, 5150

02 Industrial crops, 2015, 4427

02 Industrial crops, 2016, 4559

02 Industrial crops, 2017, 4693

02 Industrial crops, 2018, 5068

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2006, 98

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2007, 61

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2008, 82

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2009, 212

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2010, 288

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2011, 271

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2012, 222

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2013, 218

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2014, 392

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2015, 238

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2016, 127

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2017, 247

02.1 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, 2018, 72

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2006, 1

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2007, 0

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2008, 3

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2009, 18

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2010, 86

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2011, 51

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2012, 95

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2013, 114

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2014, 152

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2015, 92

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2016, 7

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2017, 121

02.1/1 Rape and turnip rape seed, 2018, 4

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2006, 76

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2007, 45

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2008, 70

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2009, 162

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2010, 167

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2011, 185

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2012, 104

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2013, 91

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2014, 229

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2015, 142

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2016, 114

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2017, 123

02.1/2 Sunflower, 2018, 65

02.1/3 Soya, 2006, 16

02.1/3 Soya, 2007, 8

02.1/3 Soya, 2008, 2

02.1/3 Soya, 2009, 4

02.1/3 Soya, 2010, 17

02.1/3 Soya, 2011, 20

02.1/3 Soya, 2012, 17

02.1/3 Soya, 2013, 9

02.1/3 Soya, 2014, 6

02.1/3 Soya, 2015, 1

02.1/3 Soya, 2016, 0

02.1/3 Soya, 2017, 1

02.1/3 Soya, 2018, -

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2006, 6

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2007, 9

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2008, 7

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2009, 29

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2010, 18

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2011, 14

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2012, 6

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2013, 4

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2014, 5

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2015, 4

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2016, 6

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2017, 2

02.1/4 Other oleaginous products, 2018, 3

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2006, 4288

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2007, 4037

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2008, 3071

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2009, 4412

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2010, 5271

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2011, 4762

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2012, 4578

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2013, 4920

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2014, 4691

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2015, 4123

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2016, 4368

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2017, 4413

02.3 Raw tobacco, 2018, 4964

02.4 Sugar beet, 2006, 1

02.4 Sugar beet, 2007, 20

02.4 Sugar beet, 2008, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2009, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2010, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2011, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2012, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2013, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2014, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2015, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2016, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2017, -

02.4 Sugar beet, 2018, -

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2006, 11

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2007, 21

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2008, 16

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2009, 37

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2010, 39

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2011, 43

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2012, 51

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2013, 61

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2014, 66

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2015, 66

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2016, 65

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2017, 33

02.5 Other industrial crops, 2018, 32

03 Forage plants, 2006, 6270

03 Forage plants, 2007, 4283

03 Forage plants, 2008, 4096

03 Forage plants, 2009, 4507

03 Forage plants, 2010, 4591

03 Forage plants, 2011, 5258

03 Forage plants, 2012, 3835

03 Forage plants, 2013, 4875

03 Forage plants, 2014, 5347

03 Forage plants, 2015, 5451

03 Forage plants, 2016, 6624

03 Forage plants, 2017, 5852

03 Forage plants, 2018, 6472

03.1 Fodder maize, 2006, 362

03.1 Fodder maize, 2007, 512

03.1 Fodder maize, 2008, 394

03.1 Fodder maize, 2009, 612

03.1 Fodder maize, 2010, 556

03.1 Fodder maize, 2011, 412

03.1 Fodder maize, 2012, 500

03.1 Fodder maize, 2013, 752

03.1 Fodder maize, 2014, 1183

03.1 Fodder maize, 2015, 1399

03.1 Fodder maize, 2016, 2414

03.1 Fodder maize, 2017, 1767

03.1 Fodder maize, 2018, 2239

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2006, 14

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2007, 12

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2008, 15

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2009, 16

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2010, 13

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2011, 11

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2012, 11

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2013, 10

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2014, 13

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2015, 10

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2016, 12

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2017, 11

03.2 Fodder root crops, 2018, 11

03.3 Other forage plants, 2006, 5895

03.3 Other forage plants, 2007, 3758

03.3 Other forage plants, 2008, 3687

03.3 Other forage plants, 2009, 3879

03.3 Other forage plants, 2010, 4022

03.3 Other forage plants, 2011, 4835

03.3 Other forage plants, 2012, 3325

03.3 Other forage plants, 2013, 4113

03.3 Other forage plants, 2014, 4150

03.3 Other forage plants, 2015, 4042

03.3 Other forage plants, 2016, 4198

03.3 Other forage plants, 2017, 4074

03.3 Other forage plants, 2018, 4222

04 Vegetables, 2006, 19632

04 Vegetables, 2007, 19043

04 Vegetables, 2008, 17628

04 Vegetables, 2009, 21418

04 Vegetables, 2010, 24062

04 Vegetables, 2011, 26148

04 Vegetables, 2012, 22786

04 Vegetables, 2013, 25525

04 Vegetables, 2014, 27788

04 Vegetables, 2015, 31011

04 Vegetables, 2016, 31546

04 Vegetables, 2017, 25915

04 Vegetables, 2018, 26129

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2006, 19632

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2007, 19043

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2008, 17628

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2009, 21418

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2010, 24062

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2011, 26148

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2012, 22786

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2013, 25525

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2014, 27788

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2015, 31011

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2016, 31546

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2017, 25915

04.1 Fresh vegetables, 2018, 26129

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2006, 4958

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2007, 4816

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2008, 4731

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2009, 4636

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2010, 5397

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2011, 6071

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2012, 5280

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2013, 5403

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2014, 5848

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2015, 6263

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2016, 6246

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2017, 5833

04.1/2 Tomatoes, 2018, 5341

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2006, 14674

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2007, 14228

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2008, 12897

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2009, 16783

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2010, 18665

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2011, 20077

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2012, 17506

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2013, 20121

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2014, 21940

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2015, 24748

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2016, 25301

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2017, 20081

04.1/3 Other fresh vegetables, 2018, 20787

05 Potatoes, 2006, 2300

05 Potatoes, 2007, 1562

05 Potatoes, 2008, 1770

05 Potatoes, 2009, 1840

05 Potatoes, 2010, 2021

05 Potatoes, 2011, 2007

05 Potatoes, 2012, 2600

05 Potatoes, 2013, 2184

05 Potatoes, 2014, 3870

05 Potatoes, 2015, 3181

05 Potatoes, 2016, 2883

05 Potatoes, 2017, 2230

05 Potatoes, 2018, 2429

06 Fruits, 2006, 7530

06 Fruits, 2007, 7927

06 Fruits, 2008, 9209

06 Fruits, 2009, 7038

06 Fruits, 2010, 7671

06 Fruits, 2011, 7014

06 Fruits, 2012, 7731

06 Fruits, 2013, 8706

06 Fruits, 2014, 6661

06 Fruits, 2015, 9880

06 Fruits, 2016, 8509

06 Fruits, 2017, 5795

06 Fruits, 2018, 10562

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2006, 4772

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2007, 5684

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2008, 6444

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2009, 4007

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2010, 4579

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2011, 4123

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2012, 4830

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2013, 4945

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2014, 4069

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2015, 5237

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2016, 3904

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2017, 2852

06.1 Fresh fruit, 2018, 5861

06.1/1 Apples, 2006, 1859

06.1/1 Apples, 2007, 2847

06.1/1 Apples, 2008, 3147

06.1/1 Apples, 2009, 2099

06.1/1 Apples, 2010, 2085

06.1/1 Apples, 2011, 1926

06.1/1 Apples, 2012, 2000

06.1/1 Apples, 2013, 1815

06.1/1 Apples, 2014, 1378

06.1/1 Apples, 2015, 2163

06.1/1 Apples, 2016, 1693

06.1/1 Apples, 2017, 882

06.1/1 Apples, 2018, 2701

06.1/2 Pears, 2006, 506

06.1/2 Pears, 2007, 358

06.1/2 Pears, 2008, 174

06.1/2 Pears, 2009, 111

06.1/2 Pears, 2010, 104

06.1/2 Pears, 2011, 193

06.1/2 Pears, 2012, 244

06.1/2 Pears, 2013, 271

06.1/2 Pears, 2014, 188

06.1/2 Pears, 2015, 375

06.1/2 Pears, 2016, 295

06.1/2 Pears, 2017, 211

06.1/2 Pears, 2018, 368

06.1/3 Peaches, 2006, 190

06.1/3 Peaches, 2007, 182

06.1/3 Peaches, 2008, 250

06.1/3 Peaches, 2009, 242

06.1/3 Peaches, 2010, 271

06.1/3 Peaches, 2011, 181

06.1/3 Peaches, 2012, 208

06.1/3 Peaches, 2013, 275

06.1/3 Peaches, 2014, 282

06.1/3 Peaches, 2015, 308

06.1/3 Peaches, 2016, 291

06.1/3 Peaches, 2017, 291

06.1/3 Peaches, 2018, 312

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2006, 2217

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2007, 2297

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2008, 2874

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2009, 1556

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2010, 2119

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2011, 1823

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2012, 2379

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2013, 2585

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2014, 2221

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2015, 2391

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2016, 1624

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2017, 1469

06.1/4 Other fresh fruit, 2018, 2480

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2006, 16

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2007, 22

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2008, 8

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2009, 15

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2010, 28

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2011, 16

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2012, 27

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2013, 31

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2014, 41

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2015, 50

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2016, 43

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2017, 29

06.3 Tropical fruit, 2018, 24

06.4 Grapes, 2006, 2742

06.4 Grapes, 2007, 2221

06.4 Grapes, 2008, 2758

06.4 Grapes, 2009, 3015

06.4 Grapes, 2010, 3065

06.4 Grapes, 2011, 2875

06.4 Grapes, 2012, 2874

06.4 Grapes, 2013, 3731

06.4 Grapes, 2014, 2551

06.4 Grapes, 2015, 4593

06.4 Grapes, 2016, 4562

06.4 Grapes, 2017, 2914

06.4 Grapes, 2018, 4677

07 Wine, 2006, 3522

07 Wine, 2007, 4659

07 Wine, 2008, 4877

07 Wine, 2009, 2719

07 Wine, 2010, 2115

07 Wine, 2011, 2238

07 Wine, 2012, 2016

07 Wine, 2013, 2952

07 Wine, 2014, 2790

07 Wine, 2015, 3974

07 Wine, 2016, 3103

07 Wine, 2017, 2099

07 Wine, 2018, 4099

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2006, 49460

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2007, 46233

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2008, 47613

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2009, 50079

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2010, 51259

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2011, 53616

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2012, 50319

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2013, 57100

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2014, 60453

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2015, 64462

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2016, 63839

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2017, 51335

10 Crop output (01 to 07), 2018, 60723

11 Animals, 2006, 6019

11 Animals, 2007, 6528

11 Animals, 2008, 7868

11 Animals, 2009, 7537

11 Animals, 2010, 8277

11 Animals, 2011, 8217

11 Animals, 2012, 7963

11 Animals, 2013, 7901

11 Animals, 2014, 7680

11 Animals, 2015, 8249

11 Animals, 2016, 8637

11 Animals, 2017, 8388

11 Animals, 2018, 8319

11.1 Cattle, 2006, 1975

11.1 Cattle, 2007, 1979

11.1 Cattle, 2008, 2685

11.1 Cattle, 2009, 2806

11.1 Cattle, 2010, 3255

11.1 Cattle, 2011, 3234

11.1 Cattle, 2012, 3148

11.1 Cattle, 2013, 3237

11.1 Cattle, 2014, 2909

11.1 Cattle, 2015, 3166

11.1 Cattle, 2016, 3440

11.1 Cattle, 2017, 3333

11.1 Cattle, 2018, 3379

11.2 Pigs, 2006, 1980

11.2 Pigs, 2007, 3150

11.2 Pigs, 2008, 3250

11.2 Pigs, 2009, 2732

11.2 Pigs, 2010, 3139

11.2 Pigs, 2011, 3056

11.2 Pigs, 2012, 3019

11.2 Pigs, 2013, 2427

11.2 Pigs, 2014, 2521

11.2 Pigs, 2015, 3016

11.2 Pigs, 2016, 3137

11.2 Pigs, 2017, 3026

11.2 Pigs, 2018, 3002

11.3 Equines, 2006, -

11.3 Equines, 2007, -

11.3 Equines, 2008, -

11.3 Equines, 2009, 7

11.3 Equines, 2010, 6

11.3 Equines, 2011, 6

11.3 Equines, 2012, 5

11.3 Equines, 2013, 5

11.3 Equines, 2014, 5

11.3 Equines, 2015, 5

11.3 Equines, 2016, 5

11.3 Equines, 2017, 4

11.3 Equines, 2018, 2

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2006, 1572

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2007, 1293

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2008, 1441

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2009, 1340

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2010, 1262

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2011, 1451

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2012, 1389

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2013, 1540

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2014, 1566

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2015, 1445

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2016, 1402

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2017, 1381

11.4 Sheep and goats, 2018, 1296

11.5 Poultry, 2006, 491

11.5 Poultry, 2007, 107

11.5 Poultry, 2008, 491

11.5 Poultry, 2009, 652

11.5 Poultry, 2010, 616

11.5 Poultry, 2011, 469

11.5 Poultry, 2012, 402

11.5 Poultry, 2013, 691

11.5 Poultry, 2014, 680

11.5 Poultry, 2015, 616

11.5 Poultry, 2016, 653

11.5 Poultry, 2017, 644

11.5 Poultry, 2018, 640

12 Animal products, 2006, 8337

12 Animal products, 2007, 9193

12 Animal products, 2008, 10580

12 Animal products, 2009, 14182

12 Animal products, 2010, 9781

12 Animal products, 2011, 8145

12 Animal products, 2012, 8690

12 Animal products, 2013, 10217

12 Animal products, 2014, 10701

12 Animal products, 2015, 10199

12 Animal products, 2016, 11791

12 Animal products, 2017, 11035

12 Animal products, 2018, 10185

12.1 Milk, 2006, 6568

12.1 Milk, 2007, 7596

12.1 Milk, 2008, 8965

12.1 Milk, 2009, 12781

12.1 Milk, 2010, 8211

12.1 Milk, 2011, 6937

12.1 Milk, 2012, 7548

12.1 Milk, 2013, 8957

12.1 Milk, 2014, 9250

12.1 Milk, 2015, 9059

12.1 Milk, 2016, 10662

12.1 Milk, 2017, 9880

12.1 Milk, 2018, 9158

12.2 Eggs, 2006, 1577

12.2 Eggs, 2007, 1466

12.2 Eggs, 2008, 1472

12.2 Eggs, 2009, 1250

12.2 Eggs, 2010, 1384

12.2 Eggs, 2011, 962

12.2 Eggs, 2012, 998

12.2 Eggs, 2013, 1045

12.2 Eggs, 2014, 1233

12.2 Eggs, 2015, 927

12.2 Eggs, 2016, 853

12.2 Eggs, 2017, 985

12.2 Eggs, 2018, 854

12.3 Other animal products, 2006, 191

12.3 Other animal products, 2007, 132

12.3 Other animal products, 2008, 143

12.3 Other animal products, 2009, 151

12.3 Other animal products, 2010, 187

12.3 Other animal products, 2011, 246

12.3 Other animal products, 2012, 144

12.3 Other animal products, 2013, 215

12.3 Other animal products, 2014, 219

12.3 Other animal products, 2015, 214

12.3 Other animal products, 2016, 276

12.3 Other animal products, 2017, 169

12.3 Other animal products, 2018, 173

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2006, 62

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2007, 29

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2008, 26

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2009, 22

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2010, 20

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2011, 20

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2012, 21

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2013, 23

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2014, 30

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2015, 34

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2016, 30

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2017, 49

12.3/1 Raw wool, 2018, 35

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2006, 130

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2007, 103

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2008, 117

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2009, 129

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2010, 167

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2011, 225

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2012, 123

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2013, 191

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2014, 189

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2015, 180

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2016, 245

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2017, 121

12.3/3 Other animal products: others, 2018, 137

13 Animal output (11+12), 2006, 14356

13 Animal output (11+12), 2007, 15721

13 Animal output (11+12), 2008, 18448

13 Animal output (11+12), 2009, 21719

13 Animal output (11+12), 2010, 18058

13 Animal output (11+12), 2011, 16362

13 Animal output (11+12), 2012, 16653

13 Animal output (11+12), 2013, 18117

13 Animal output (11+12), 2014, 18382

13 Animal output (11+12), 2015, 18448

13 Animal output (11+12), 2016, 20428

13 Animal output (11+12), 2017, 19422

13 Animal output (11+12), 2018, 18504

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2006, 63815

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2007, 61954

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2008, 66061

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2009, 71798

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2010, 69317

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2011, 69978

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2012, 66972

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2013, 75217

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2014, 78834

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2015, 82911

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2016, 84267

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2017, 70757

14 Agricultural goods output (10+13), 2018, 79227

15 Agricultural services output, 2006, 171

15 Agricultural services output, 2007, 259

15 Agricultural services output, 2008, 248

15 Agricultural services output, 2009, 201

15 Agricultural services output, 2010, 361

15 Agricultural services output, 2011, 345

15 Agricultural services output, 2012, 330

15 Agricultural services output, 2013, 368