Годишни работни единици на носителите во индивидуалниот сектор според образованието, по региони


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Каталог на отворени податоци

Завод за статистика > Земјоделство > Структура на земјоделските стопанства > Работна сила

оригинална адреса: http://makstat.stat.gov.mk/PXWeb/api/v1/mk/MakStat...


Region, Education, 2013, 2016

Republic of Macedonia, Higher vocational education (agricultural), 294.00000, 341.45302

Republic of Macedonia, Higher vocational education (other), 2110.00000, 1888.74401

Republic of Macedonia, Incomplete primary education, 9867.00000, 9174.43504

Republic of Macedonia, Master's degree and Doctorate (agriculturalsciences), 82.00000, 74.61309

Republic of Macedonia, Master's degree and Doctorate (other), 63.00000, 60.89797

Republic of Macedonia, No education, 3518.00000, 2196.66113

Republic of Macedonia, Primary education, 35973.00000, 33946.99498

Republic of Macedonia, Secondary education (agricultural), 3347.00000, 4465.81962

Republic of Macedonia, Secondary education (other), 35840.00000, 35501.11893

Republic of Macedonia, University level education (agricultural), 529.00000, 710.29088

Republic of Macedonia, University level education (other), 2900.00000, 3059.58161

Vardar Region, Higher vocational education (agricultural), 19.00000, 23.92374

Vardar Region, Higher vocational education (other), 364.00000, 228.28918

Vardar Region, Incomplete primary education, 966.00000, 956.19559

Vardar Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (agriculturalsciences), 0.00000, 49.29860

Vardar Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (other), 2.00000, -

Vardar Region, No education, 296.00000, 278.55525

Vardar Region, Primary education, 3567.00000, 4142.62514

Vardar Region, Secondary education (agricultural), 223.00000, 579.52528

Vardar Region, Secondary education (other), 5484.00000, 4527.17345

Vardar Region, University level education (agricultural), 83.00000, 46.64783

Vardar Region, University level education (other), 340.00000, 255.86924

East Region, Higher vocational education (agricultural), 36.00000, 94.32402

East Region, Higher vocational education (other), 302.00000, 410.88313

East Region, Incomplete primary education, 912.00000, 727.32820

East Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (agriculturalsciences), 6.00000, 2.30731

East Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (other), 16.00000, 9.65438

East Region, No education, 394.00000, 265.15909

East Region, Primary education, 4633.00000, 3749.10201

East Region, Secondary education (agricultural), 180.00000, 403.75916

East Region, Secondary education (other), 5416.00000, 6081.90895

East Region, University level education (agricultural), 63.00000, 287.27679

East Region, University level education (other), 575.00000, 388.86127

Southwest Region, Higher vocational education (agricultural), 18.00000, 2.84263

Southwest Region, Higher vocational education (other), 290.00000, 169.78948

Southwest Region, Incomplete primary education, 657.00000, 462.16912

Southwest Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (agriculturalsciences), 23.00000, 4.56750

Southwest Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (other), 17.00000, 4.24035

Southwest Region, No education, 196.00000, 97.95596

Southwest Region, Primary education, 3657.00000, 2279.00917

Southwest Region, Secondary education (agricultural), 129.00000, 182.73531

Southwest Region, Secondary education (other), 4039.00000, 2989.64797

Southwest Region, University level education (agricultural), 101.00000, 5.91909

Southwest Region, University level education (other), 470.00000, 440.52998

Southeast Region, Higher vocational education (agricultural), 85.00000, 58.57160

Southeast Region, Higher vocational education (other), 169.00000, 195.91724

Southeast Region, Incomplete primary education, 2336.00000, 3131.76628

Southeast Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (agriculturalsciences), 3.00000, -

Southeast Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (other), 9.00000, -

Southeast Region, No education, 1114.00000, 517.88326

Southeast Region, Primary education, 5325.00000, 5384.31533

Southeast Region, Secondary education (agricultural), 547.00000, 1326.19601

Southeast Region, Secondary education (other), 4357.00000, 3997.58983

Southeast Region, University level education (agricultural), 63.00000, 107.61217

Southeast Region, University level education (other), 225.00000, 293.88563

Pelagonia Region, Higher vocational education (agricultural), 92.00000, 151.49279

Pelagonia Region, Higher vocational education (other), 428.00000, 329.99213

Pelagonia Region, Incomplete primary education, 2071.00000, 1637.60111

Pelagonia Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (agriculturalsciences), 30.00000, 4.33907

Pelagonia Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (other), 8.00000, 7.43521

Pelagonia Region, No education, 224.00000, 320.57621

Pelagonia Region, Primary education, 7298.00000, 6800.23820

Pelagonia Region, Secondary education (agricultural), 1182.00000, 1037.09013

Pelagonia Region, Secondary education (other), 5853.00000, 7489.60876

Pelagonia Region, University level education (agricultural), 120.00000, 212.09726

Pelagonia Region, University level education (other), 518.00000, 584.10908

Polog Region, Higher vocational education (agricultural), 18.00000, 6.76664

Polog Region, Higher vocational education (other), 303.00000, 203.53928

Polog Region, Incomplete primary education, 706.00000, 467.38022

Polog Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (agriculturalsciences), 16.00000, 7.70577

Polog Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (other), 6.00000, 23.55443

Polog Region, No education, 480.00000, 120.47923

Polog Region, Primary education, 4198.00000, 4412.21814

Polog Region, Secondary education (agricultural), 440.00000, 430.21035

Polog Region, Secondary education (other), 3945.00000, 2963.86682

Polog Region, University level education (agricultural), 47.00000, 21.65226

Polog Region, University level education (other), 371.00000, 409.45312

Northeast Region, Higher vocational education (agricultural), 23.00000, 3.53160

Northeast Region, Higher vocational education (other), 190.00000, 223.76322

Northeast Region, Incomplete primary education, 1666.00000, 1328.38589

Northeast Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (agriculturalsciences), 5.00000, 6.39485

Northeast Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (other), 4.00000, -

Northeast Region, No education, 529.00000, 331.00622

Northeast Region, Primary education, 3866.00000, 4542.13194

Northeast Region, Secondary education (agricultural), 583.00000, 378.50750

Northeast Region, Secondary education (other), 3099.00000, 3730.69082

Northeast Region, University level education (agricultural), 44.00000, 24.13750

Northeast Region, University level education (other), 292.00000, 348.63588

Skopje Region, Higher vocational education (agricultural), 1.00000, -

Skopje Region, Higher vocational education (other), 65.00000, 126.57035

Skopje Region, Incomplete primary education, 554.00000, 463.60864

Skopje Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (agriculturalsciences), -, -

Skopje Region, Master's degree and Doctorate (other), -, 16.01360

Skopje Region, No education, 286.00000, 265.04590

Skopje Region, Primary education, 3429.00000, 2637.35506

Skopje Region, Secondary education (agricultural), 63.00000, 127.79587

Skopje Region, Secondary education (other), 3647.00000, 3720.63232

Skopje Region, University level education (agricultural), 7.00000, 4.94797

Skopje Region, University level education (other), 109.00000, 338.23741